Kaili Vintage Embroidery Market
Kaili vintage street market-based in Guizhou storages the most historical and complete pieces from the native minorities compared with other regions. This street provides a space for people to celebrate our traditional handicrafts and motivate the community to educate and sustain our handicraft culture. Most of the traders collect the pieces from the local villages and resell them in the market. You can also meet many master artisans at the booth they own the most unique and historical pieces in the market. Some of them have been working there for over 40 years! I should call them handicrafts culture protection activists as they are continuously practicing and collecting handicrafts for studying, educating, and trading. In the market, except you can find the oldest vintage pieces, you can also see new crafted products and materials, some of them are machine-made. Some youngsters there also design upcycling products made from old pieces (recycle from local markets) and reintroduce them into new modern items. No matter what kind of business they are doing, they contribute to the preservation and development of the traditional crafts culture.